Top five 2021 Arctic Security and Covid Most Popular in 2021

Mest lest 2021 collage.

These are the most popular articles of 2021. (Ill: Collage)

The five most popular articles of 2021 involve a controversial nuclear submarine, Russia's relationship with the West, Covid, and an unexpected classic.

1. Nuclear Submarine

When an American nuclear-fueled submarine docked in Tromsø (Norway) in May, despite widespread objections, it caused quite a stir.

Here is the full article: Controversial Nuclear Submarine Docked in Tromsø.

2. The Fourth Wawe

And just as we thought the pandemic was about to subside, the fourth wawe hit in August. Iceland took several steps back, as did the rest of the world.

Read the article here: Covid-19: Fourth Covid Wave Hits Iceland.

3. Russia and the West

Just before the winter holidays, Russia announced that it was no longer a part of the Open Skies Treaty. Both Russia and the United States have accused each other of violating the provisions of the treaty.

Here is the full story: Russia Formally Withdraws from Open Skies Treaty.

4. Corona Stops Winter Exercises

The Norwegian Government saw no other option but to cancel the planned allied exercise in the North in January last year.

You can read the article here: Norwegian Government Cancels Allied Exercise Activity in the North.

5. Old, but Gold

Sometimes our readers come across older articles and push them back into the limelight. Like in this story from 2017 about photo artist Per Ivar Somby, who set out to color old photos of his Sami ancestors.

This is an article that absolutely deserves a new round for new readers: Up, close and spectacular – Giving New Life to Old Forefathers.

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