Newsletter: The Election That Makes the World Hold Its Breath

Valg 2020 i USA kort oppsumert. (Foto: Adobe stock)

US Election i near. (Foto: Adobe stock)

Dear High North News reader. Next week, the people of the USA are to make a choice that will affect all of us, not to mention the Arctic, for the next four years. No wonder we hold our breath.

Donald Trump and Joe Biden. (Photo: Gage Skidmore)

Donald Trump and Joe Biden. (Photo: Gage Skidmore)

Donald Trump or Joe Biden? The future of the world lies in Americas hands. (Photo: Gage Skidmore)

With the American election just days away, the question everyone asks themselves is: Will Donald Trump or Joe Biden be victorious? Experts believe the stakes for the Arctic have never been higher.

Because the Arctic is boiling, in every way. In particular when it comes to security politics these days.

Greenland, Denmark and the USA enter into a new framework agreement over the Thule Air Base, which promises closer economic and security policy ties as well as concrete economic advantages for Greenlanders.

Russian strategy ready 

In addition, the USA is in talks with Danish and Greenlandic authorities regarding using ports in Greenland as support for American warships in the Arctic [Norwegian only].

We can also read that the American destroyer USS Ross is back in the Arctic for the third time this year.

Russian authorities recently reported that the third and final part of Russia’s Arctic strategy has been approved. This is to apply for the next 15 years.

In Norway, the Ministry of Defense and Tromsø municipality have agreed on allowing US nuclear-fueled submarines to use a local port. Earlier this week, we interviewed Professor Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv at the University of Tromsø about the conflict.

Defense Minister Frank Bakke-Jensen has also expressed himself about the matter to High North News [Norwegian only].

Symbol-loaded action

Editor-in-Chief at High North News, Arne O. Holm.

Arne O. Holm

Editor-in-Chief at High North News, Arne O. Holm.

This week’s Friday commentary from our Editor-in-Chief Arne O. Holm is about oil. Or rather, it is about the Norwegian parliament Stortinget’s  hunt for explanations following Equinor’s $200-billion collapse in the USA. Holm refers to the Stortinget’s closing the doors for review as a ‘symbol-loaded action’.

If there is anything we have learned to trust in 2020, it is the fact that the Corona pandemic will continue causing problems.

Isolation takes its toll on the mental health of youth in the Arctic, says Daria Makhotina of the Barents Youth Council.

Entrepreneurial life in the High North

Piper Foster Wilder

"Biggest challenge is doing a lot with a little. When a company is venture-funded, and with even a small team, every hour we are all working costs a lot", says CEO, Piper Foster Wilders. (Photo: 60Hertz)

Piper Foster Wilder, 60Hertz.

But let us finish the week off with some good reads. Such as the one about how there is life in the Arctic also past retirement age. A life with larvae, in fact.

Because being an entrepreneur in the Arctic is viable, an excellent example of which is Piper Foster Wilder in Alaska.

This, and much more, can be found at High North News this week, whether you are interested in debate, climate or transport.



All that remains now is to wish you all the best for the upcoming week, and happy election day – for all of us.
Trine Jonassen,
News Editor, High North News
