Newsletter: Hurtigruten's turnaround

One of the Hurtigruten ships during a voyage to Greenland. (Photo: Hurtigruten)

Dear reader. This week, Hurtigruten announced its plans of selling off properties in Svalbard. Now, the crisis-ridden company is to focus on what it believes to know best.

Hurtigruten Group has taken several hits in the wake of the first messages about Covid-19-infected patients onboard came out in February. Now, it appears the company has made a turn and wants to cultivate the voyage itself.

Last Tuesday, Hurtigruten announced that it wants to sell off several properties in Svalbard. Reactions came fast, and several interested parties have lined up.

At the same time, Hurtigruten’s coastal route cancels all ports south of Bodø at the request of the Ministry of Transportation. Opposition parties argue that this is not sustainable [Norwegian only].

Prepardness in Norway

On Friday, the Norwegian government published its revised long-term plan for the Armed Forces as well as a whitepaper on public security.

You can read reactions and interviews in their entirety at High North News.


Sjefsredaktør i High North News, Arne O. Holm

Arne O. Holm

Sjefsredaktør i High North News, Arne O. Holm.

HNN Editor-in-Chief Arne O. Holm argues that it is rather doubtful whether American nuclear submarines docking in Tromsø, Norway will increase security in the Arctic.

Because when American nuclear submarines now prepare to dock in Tromsø, North Norwegian land areas are drawn further into big power rivalry between the USA and Russia.

Russian conditions

Russia has been a hot issue this week too, following the Norwegian government’s attribution claiming that Russia was behind the cyberattack on the Norwegian parliament Stortinget on 24 August.

Russia also announced this week, in a joint press conference between foreign ministers Lavrov (Russia) and Kofod (Denmark), that it will be appointing a honorary consul in Greenland.


Alaska's Senator Lisa Murkowski

– The Obama administration and the Trump administration have viewed the Arctic through two very separate lenses. It's either been climate or national security, says Alaska's Senator Lisa Murkowski. She posed the question of why it has to be 'either or'. (Photo: Arne Finne, High North News).

Alaska´s senetor Lisa Murowski.

Other interesting news include a dive into Sweden’s new Arctic strategy, researchers’ thoughts about diplomacy and climate, as well as Alaskan Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski’s thoughts about the upcoming presidential election in the USA.

This and more highly topical news from the High North are available for you at High North News! Feel free to share!

All the best for the upcoming weekend!
Kind regards,
Trine Jonassen,
News Editor, High North News
