The Liberal Party and the Conservative Party Enters Into Cooperation in Longyearbyen, Svalbard

Anderssen og Aunevik

Terje Aunevik (right) from the Liberal Party will be the local political leader in Longyearbyen, with the Conservatives' Celine Anderssen as deputy leader. (Photo: Liberal Party/Consercative Party)

The Svalbard Liberal Party and the Svalbard Conservative Party have formed a majority through a cooperation agreement and agreed on how the Longyearbyen local government is to be led throughout the next four years.

Norsk versjon

Terje Aunevik from the Liberal Party will be the chair of the local government, with the Conservative's Celine Anderssen as deputy chair. 

In a press release, the Svalbard Conservative Party writes that it was clear early on in the election that there were great similarities in the programs with which the parties ran for election. This has made it possible to quickly conclude the negotiations. Both parties have also agreed on the importance of being true to the voters who have voted for the individual parties' programs. 

"Therefore, the cooperation platform and emphasis on subject areas are prioritized over creating a new detailed platform in which the voters have had little degree of insight," the party writes. 

The parties have also reached an agreement on the importance of placing the right expertise and experience in the various roles in committees and boards rather than simply counting the positions that each party will have. In this work, a central topic has been the composition of committees and how the subject areas are to be distributed in the committees.

Political matters that are especially prioritized in the first year and during the period:

Participation: Prioritize participation and communication with all residents – including creating a residents' council with an extensive selection of people from different backgrounds. The municipality's service desk for residents will also be prioritized.

Mental health: Establishing first-line support for mental health in 2024. Investigate the best possible solution in cooperation with the hospital, schools, and other actors—work parallel with changes to regulations.

Energy: Work together with all parties for government support to secure energy at an acceptable price. Phase in green energy as quickly as possible.

Housing: Work together with the government to develop the right number of good quality housing. Ensure that areas are set aside for housing in the next spatial plan. New housing must be prioritized where there is existing infrastructure.

Education: Follow up the work on the special education supervisor position to get this as generous as possible.

Drinking water: Prioritize safe drinking water supply with government co-financing.

Real estate: Prioritize the maintenance of critical purpose-built buildings, including the Svalbard Hall and the school.

Ports: Have a new port strategy drawn up to ensure sustainable development that provides income for the local community.

Transport: Work to ensure that permanent residents have extended access to transportation and that knowledge-based decisions are used as a basis for traffic restrictions.

Youth camp: School pupils will be allowed to travel to the mainland for youth camp.

Scrap value: Making the scrap value on scooters and cars permanent.

Veterinarian: The Longyearbyen local council must contribute to ensuring a veterinary service on the island. Investigate the best solution in consultation with a veterinarian—work parallel with changes to legislation. 

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