Restrictions on travel and tourism to be further lifted in Finland

Martti Hetemäki

Presented on 23 June: Measures to be taken in Finland is based on Permanent Secretary Martti Hetemäki’s reconstruction report. Photo: Aalto University.

Permanent Secretary Martti Hetemäki of the Finnish Ministry of Finance lifts travel restrictions for Norway, Denmark, Iceland and the Baltic countries. Sweden did not make the cut.

As of 13 July, the Finnish Government will lift the internal border control and restrictions on traffic between Finland and countries where the incidence of COVID-19 is similar to that in countries where internal border control has already been lifted.

These countries are Norway, Denmark, Iceland and the Baltic countries. At present, the limit value is a maximum of eight new cases of the disease per 100,000 persons in the previous 14 days.

Based on the current development of the epidemic, internal border control will therefore be lifted for the following Schengen countries: Germany, Italy, Austria, Greece, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and Liechtenstein.

Updated list of countries

In addition, travel to Finland from Croatia, Cyprus and Ireland, which are EU Member States but not part of the Schengen area, will be allowed.

The limit value is maximum eight new cases per 100,000 persons in the previous 14 days.

However, the Government will continue to assess the overall situation in the Schengen area and the EU Member States until 10 July and will update the list of countries based on the development of the epidemic at that time.

Based on the current epidemiological assessment, internal border control and travel restrictions will continue between Finland and the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Poland, France, Sweden and the Czech Republic, with the exception of leisure boating.

Steps towards normality

The recommendation on extensive remote work will end on 1 August due to the improved epidemiological situation in Finland.

The summer holiday season in July will allow for a flexible, step-by-step transition towards normal working conditions.

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