Russia Accuses Norway of Increased Military Presence on Svalbard

Russias Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)

Russias Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)

“We note the ongoing attempts by the Norwegian side to build up its military presence in the Svalbard archipelago”, says MFA Spokesperson Maria Zakharova in a statement published Thursday.

The statement was published on the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' website.

Russia has in particular had its attention drawn to the entry into Longyearbyen's port on Svalbard by the Norwegian Navy's frigate 'Thor Heyerdahl' on September 21 and calls the visit of the Norwegian fleet a 'demonstration of sovereignty' over the archipelago.

The Russian MFA also states that they cannot overlook the activation of the Norwegian Coast Guard, as part of the Norwegian Navy, in the Svalbard area, including in the waters of the Russian village of Barentsburg.

“So, on September 30 of this year, without any notification of the date and purpose of the port call, the Coast Guard boat proceeded to the waters of Barentsburg, which does not correspond to the practice of past years, where the Russian side has been informed of such visits in advance”, says Zakharova.

She says that it is obvious that Norway is making an effort to secure Svalbard in the sphere of its military activity.

“In this regard, we would like to once again remind the Norwegian side of the principles and objectives of the Paris Treaty of 1920, which provide for the purely peaceful use of the archipelago”, says Maria Zakharova.

History professor at UiT - Norway's Arctic University, Stian Bones states to NRK that such a statement is a regular occurrence from the Russian side and that Russia has previously responded with similar accusations when the Norwegian Armed Forces have been on the island in the past and when Norway has had a visit from NATO.

“There is nothing in the Svalbard Treaty that prevents Norway from having any kind of military presence”, says Bones.

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