Open Letter Clean Arctic Alliance Recommendations for the Norway Chair of the Arctic Council May 09 2023 - 09:40 Ahead of Norway taking up the two-year Chairship of the Arctic Council on May 11th…
Politics Arctic Council Chairmanship: “Norway Knows How to Do It” Jan 31 2023 - 16:52 Tromsø, Northern Norway: Arctic experts trust Norway to maneuver the transfer of the…
Op-ed Move Forward Without Russia: How the Arctic Council Can Keep Up Its Work May 04 2022 - 09:17 The remainder of the Arctic States need to present Russia with a clear-eyed choice…
Commentary Macron´s twofold Arctic policy to gain influence in the Arctic Oct 05 2020 - 14:10 Commentary: France is drumbeating an environmental cause as part of a wider…
Politics Russia Warns Against Pulling NATO into the Arctic Jun 17 2020 - 13:10 “Increasing Norwegian military activity and pulling NATO to the region is a direct…