Politics Experts on Arctic Council Expectations: Cooperation under Tension May 09 2017 - 15:43 High North News asked four Arctic experts about priorities for the Trump…
Science American scientists ready to fight Mar 03 2017 - 11:21 President Trump and his supporters are skeptical of science in general and climate…
Science Amerikanske forskere ruster til kamp Mar 02 2017 - 14:00 President Trump og hans medspillere er skeptiske til vitenskapen generelt og…
Kronikker Commentary: A Blueprint for Global Climate Action to Avert an Arctic Meltdown Sep 29 2016 - 09:00 Buried beneath last week's headlines is the fact that the world made critical…
Kronikker Op-Ed: As Arctic Nears Tipping Point, President Obama and Nordic Leaders Must Act May 12 2016 - 22:36 President Obama and the five Nordic leaders should use their May 13 summit to cut…