Updated Corona in the Arctic: Russia Introduces New Measures

Moscow. Photo: Yury and Tanya

High North News continues its daily updates on the spread of the coronavirus in the Arctic. The number of people infected with the virus in Russia increases every day, and publicly reported Russian figures now report of more than 1,000 cases of Covid-19. Moscow is shutting down all restaurants, bars, cafés and parks for one week, starting Saturday.

According to official Russian figures, the number of people in the country infected with the Corona virus has now increased to 1,036, with 196 new cases in the last 24 hours.

Russia reported its first Covid-19 cases on 31 January. Both cases were Chinese citizens residing in the towns of Tyumen and Tshita in Siberia.

President Vladimir Putin addressed Russia about the ongoing Corona virus pandemic last Wednesday, for the first time ever. In his speech, he declared a week-long national holiday starting on 27 March. The purpose is to encourage people to stay home in order to limit spreading of the virus, according to The Moscow Times.

Yesterday, Moscow shut down all restaurants, bars, cafes and parks in Moscow for one week, starting on Saturday.

The Russian government has also closed the country’s borders and cancelled all international flights, with the exception of flights to bring Russians home from abroad.

Total number of confirmed occurences of corona infection in the High North

Total number of confirmed cases of corona infection in Arctic Council Member States


This article was originally published in Norwegian and has been translated by HNN's Elisabeth Bergquist.
