Newsletter: We and 'the others'

"Putting liberal thinking aside for the benefit of a religiously conditioned refugee policy must be problematic for Prime Minister Erna Solberg", says Editor-in-Chief at High North News, Arne O. Holm. (Photo: Eirin Larsen, the Prime Minister’s Office)

Dear reader! In order to finish off a year that is already demanding, the Norwegian government has decided to narrow down even more the opportunities for finding a safe haven in Norway. Along with a High North whitepaper, Trump and Corona, this represents this past week as seen from the High North.

“Sadly, it has been impossible to reduce the number of quota refugees Norway is to accept. However, for the first time, persecuted Christians will be prioritized, even though we know that the government in principle is opposed to this”, said Progress Party leader Siv Jensen when the Norwegian state budget settlement was presented this week.

Editor-in-Chief at High North News, Arne O. Holm.

Arne O. Holm

Editor-in-Chief at High North News, Arne O. Holm.

I don’t know where it all went wrong for the Norwegian government. Was it when the Progress Party left the government, or when the Christian Democrats entered it? Either way, it all went sideways”, says High North News Editor-in-Chief Arne O. Holm.

Humanism is not a high priority with the out-going U.S. President either. With less than seven weeks to go at the White House, it may appear Trump is trying to make as much trouble as possible before being forced to leave the Oval Office, so that Joe Biden has to spend precious time cleaning up after him.

High North whitepaper

Last Friday, the Norwegian government launched its new whitepaper on the High NorthThe opposition was anything but pleased, and strong voices still appear on the scene.

Tormod Heier er oberstløytnant i Hæren og professor ved FHS. (Foto: Forsvaret)

Lieutenant Colonel of the Norwegian Army, Tormod Heier.

The whitepaper appears to continue a policy that is mainly about playing hardball with Russia”, says Tormod Heier, Lieutenant Colonel of the Norwegian Army and Professor at the Norwegian Defense Command and Staff College.

Developments in the Arctic

This week in Greenland, the ruling coalition party Siumut decided to replace its former chairman Kim Kielsen with a new one. Erik Jensen says he will work hard for Greenland to achieve independence from Denmark.

And in Svalbard, local businesses try to move on, and the Local Council wants to open the old energy plant dating back to 1920 to the public.

You can read about all this – and more – at High North News.

Dear reader; feel free to join in the debate if you want to speak out. And feel free to share our newsletter with others who may be interested.

We wish you all the best for the advent season!
Trine Jonassen,
News Editor, High North News
