Newsletter Welcome to the True Arctic

Mari Bekkestuen og Henriette Bøe vokter grensa mellom Russland og Norge i Pasvik. (Foto: Arne O. Holm).

Dear High North News reader. Stories roll in to the High North Tour mobile office faster than we can bring them out to you again. The people of the Arctic have much on their hearts and are happy to share with the world. This is the week from the High North, with news from security politics, shipping, entrepreneurship, and strong stories to tell.

Little did we know that the response to our editor-in-chief’s journey through the High North would be received like this – a tremendous response! Arne O. Holm’s office on wheels is welcomed in every nook and cranny of Northern Norway, where he has parked so far, and he has more stories in store than we are able to bring out.

Arne O. Holm og bobilen. (Foto: Martin Losvik)

Arne O. Holm og bobilen. (Foto: Martin Losvik)

Arne O. Holm and his mobile office. (Photo: Martin Losvik)

The journey started off with a desire to bring out the diverse life in the Arctic, the one that defies the pandemic and narrow economic margins. And the Arctic responded with a resounding “Yes!”

In this week’s Friday commentary, we are allowed a glimpse into the journey in these borderlands – quite literally:

The ferry no longer operates, and the country on the other side of the frozen river has changed its name. This is where East and West meet.”

A journey among people

This week, the High North Tour tells stories about the Taste of North fish company in Hamarøy, the CEO of which shares his worries about the future.

You can also join us to a unique theater in Nordreisa, where theater history is written in a language hardly anyone speak – Kven.

Holm also sheds light on the darker aspects of history, such as the work taking place in the aftermath of the so-called Tysfjord Case. At Arran, a Lule-Sami Center, that process is still ongoing.

And please – do not miss out on the film-based reports our editor-in-chief publishes on Facebook during his journey.

Restrictions and cooperation

This week, we have learned that new Russian restrictions place limitations on exchange programs, joint research with foreigners, conferences and scientific congresses, as well as the exchange of scientific literature.

It has also been announced that the Norwegian governments halts the sales of the Bergen Engines factory to TMH International in order to avoid potential threats to national security [Norwegian only].

The USA focuses on security policy cooperation and the US Army Alaska in particular welcomes knowledge about operating in the Arctic from the Norwegians.

We also present a new and interesting study highlighting the risk related to Arctic shipping. The study shows that some vessels have a higher risk of becoming stuck in the Arctic sea ice along the Northern Sea Route in Russia.

You will find all this and much more at High North News!

This is our last newsletter before the Easter holidays, but we will be at work a few days early next week too, bringing you good stories from the people of the High North.
Have a great Easter and thank you for following!
Trine Jonassen,
News Editor, High North News
