Arctic Economic Council Welcomes Three New Members

AEC Chairman of the Board, Tero Vauraste, is a giant in Arctic business. Many know him as head of the Finnish company Arctia Ltd. The above picture was shot in Oulo, Finland during an AEC event last September. (Photo: City of Oulu/AEC)
"The three new members are a valuable addition to the Arctic Economic Council (AEC) and to the work in facilitating responsible business and economic development of the Arctic and its communities", states Mr. Tero Vauraste, the Chair of the AEC.

"The three new members are a valuable addition to the Arctic Economic Council (AEC) and to the work in facilitating responsible business and economic development of the Arctic and its communities", states Mr. Tero Vauraste, the Chair of the AEC.

The new members which are welcomed to the pan-Arctic business community are Bioway AS, Maine North Atlantic Development Office (MENADO) and Cosco Shipping Lines Finland Oy.

Bioway AS is an indigenously owned company within the aquaculture technology business with its headquarter in Norway. Bioway AS is welcomed as the first Permafrost Partner of the Arctic Economic Council.

MENADO facilitates the development of North Atlantic/Arctic networks connecting Maine businesses, educators and innovation leaders with regional opportunities for trade in goods, services and innovation exchanges. According to AEC MENADO is the first AEC member coming from the lower 48 states in the U.S.

Cosco Shipping Lines Finland Oy works with shipping, railway and logistics service, offshore new build and ship building as well as port terminal operations and investment. The company joins the AEC as a Northern Partner.

The Arctic Economic Council (AEC) is an independent organization that facilitates Arctic business-to-business activities and responsible economic development through the sharing of best practices, technological solutions, standards, and other information.

Next month, the AEC will organize a joint breakout session together with the Nordic Council of Ministers at the Arctic Circle Conference in Reykjavik, Iceland. The event will take place Friday, October 13th, and the topics on the agenda are "Economic development, innovation and entrepreneurship in the Arctic".

The Arctic Economic Council is involved in the development of an "Arctic Business Analysis" that examines the Arctic business landscape in reference to political priority of strengthening the Nordic work on economic development, growth, and investment in the Arctic. This is a joint project between the Nordic Council of Ministers, the AEC, Voluntas Advisory and The Confederation of Danish Industry.

