German conference on Arctic Trade Routes
Norsk-Tysk Handelskammer invites to a conference on developing clean and cost efficient Arctic Trade Routes in Oslo November 20.
The invitation tells:
"The opportunities caused by a significantly shortened shipping route between Northern Europe and East Asia are certainly appealing to many companies and nations. The economic interests in the arctic sea routes are growing together with the increasing melting rate of the polar ice cap. Several of the previous voyages can be described as commercially not viable test drives. Over time they are, however, likely to pave the way for greater traffic.
This conference will highlight current and future challenges on the way to achieve cost efficient trade routes in the Arctic. Cross-border cooperation, infrastructure, specialized technological requirements and environmental protection are just some of the major issues adding complexity to the picture. At the same time, the final version of the Polar Code will impact the cost levels and further development of the arctic sea routes."
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